The rotisserie Asador de Guadalmina,Restaurateur who defied anti-smoking law forced to close

Restaurateur who defied anti-smoking law forced to close: "The rotisserie Asador de Guadalmina, on the urbanisation of the same name, put up signs on January 2 telling customers they could still smoke inside if they wished.

As a result, owner José Eugenio Arias Camisón was served notice by the courts.

He originally said he would not close down until the Civil Guard did so under a court order, which has finally arrived.

Arias Camisón, who has been running the restaurant for 10 years, said he close his premises 'for the sake of his wife and kids' since he was told by the police that he would be put backside bars if he refused.

He says the closure is only transitority and he intends to appeal.

Arias Camisón has also hinted that he intends to open another type of establishment where customers can smoke, but has not given specifics.

Criticising the government for its harsh stance on smoking in bars, he likened the law to a 'dictatorship' like 'in Franco's time'."
